A professionally installed vehicle wrap can provide a unique advertising opportunity for your business – here is our guide to vehicle wraps.
A vehicle wrap is a process of covering completely or partially covering a vehicle with a thin, malleable, adhesive vinyl. The technique is usually utilised as a means of branding and advertising, but is also becoming popular for privately owned vehicles for colour changes.
The vinyl itself can come in a variety of colours, graphics and finishes. They can be applied to any type of vehicle – including motorcycles, boats and trucks. There are three types of vehicle wraps: full-coverage, partial coverage and advertising wraps.
A full-coverage wrap is the complete application of adhesive vinyl onto the vehicle to transform its appearance. This is done to avoid the expense and permanency of a paint job.
Partial coverage
A partial coverage wrap will cover roughly half to three quarters of the vehicle, but with the combination of the right design and original paint colour, it can still be as effective. Just at a lower price.
Advertising wraps
An advertising wrap is a professionally installed vehicle wrap that will typically consist of digitally printed designs including logos, contact information and branding elements. This primarily serves as advertising means for the company or organisation.
Will a window graphic impede my vision?
A professionally installed vehicle wrap will have little effect to your vision from the interior of the vehicle – this is the beauty of a car wrap. From the outside it looks great if it is done well and from the inside, you can still see perfectly.
Will a vehicle wrap damage my paint?
A vinyl wrap is designed to be removable and the only time you will run into problems is if your vehicle has had aftermarket paint or repairs. This is, of course, the case if the correct techniques and equipment are used.
How long will a vehicle wrap last?
A professionally installed vehicle wrap will typically last three to five years – and sometime could last as long as seven. It is completely dependent on the local climate and exposure it has to weather and other factors. Window vinyl will typically be the first application to wear out – lasting about 2 years.
Can I choose my design for my vehicle wraps?
Yes! Our internal creative design studio will work with clients throughout the process of vehicle wraps. If a client has a design in mind – we are more than happy to work with them to implement designs suited to the business.
The team at Custom Decals and Signs are one of the leading creative sign shops in Australia and are experienced in creating fantastic and eye-catching vehicle wraps. Contact the team now on (07) 3271 3874 today to discuss how a professionally installed vehicle wrap can benefit you and your business.
